Coaching Process
While coaching is flexible and tailored to each client's needs, the overall process can be summarized as:
Explore + Plan + Act = Results
Given the fast-paced world we live in, it can feel like we barely have time to breathe, much less take the time to examine the many facets of who we are. We will make this time – because you’re worth it!
You may find yourself anxious to “solve the problem,” so to speak. We make it a point not to jump to solutions too quickly.
Taking time up-front to explore means you’ll gain clarity on exactly what you want (which flows from who you are).
We'll work together to plan and create your…
Specific Goals
Compelling vision—to draw you toward your goals
Strategies for reaching them
We’ll take a holistic approach, creating goals/plans for all areas of your life (e.g., health, social/community, career, personal growth).
You’ll take action by…
Partnering with your coach
Remaining committed to your pla
Tracking progress toward your goals
Making adjustments as needed
Celebrating “wins” along the way
As you follow your action plans, you'll...
Meet your goals!
Celebrate what you’ve accomplished.
Maintain the changes you’ve made.
Check in with your coach as needed.